

Supporting Lv4 Autonomous Truck Service T2's Core Technologies

T2 is committed to developing technologies that support the future of logistics, while placing the highest priority on safety. "AI technology" and "vehicle development technology" lies at the core of safe Lv4 autonomous truck driving. We are working on the development of advanced autonomous driving technology for every possible scenario for implementation in society.

  • Lv3
    Conditional Automation

    In limited areas such as highways,
    the vehicle can operate autonomously under normal conditions
    (In an emergency, a driver is required)

  • Lv4
    Advanced automation

    In limited areas such as highways, the vehicle can operate autonomously even in emergency situations

  • Lv5
    Fully autonomous

    No area restrictions level where autonomous driving is possible without any area restrictions

ELEMENTSTechnical Elements of autonomous Truck Driving

The following are the elements of the autonomous driving system that T2 is developing to implement Lv4 autonomous trucks in society. Trucks are larger vehicles and require more advanced control technology than standard vehicles.


Object Recognition

High-precision object recognition using LiDAR and cameras. Extremely high accuracy recognition is possible at short distances. We are working on further improvement of accuracy by sensor fusion.



Accurate estimation of the vehicle's own position and understanding of surrounding conditions by integrating GNSS, IMU, point cloud matching, image matching, and HDmap (white lines, signs, etc.) matching.


Command Judgment

Action decisions based on object recognition, self-position estimation, HDmap, etc. Realizes smooth and safe driving in various surrounding conditions.


Vehicle control

Control of powertrain, steering, brakes, etc. to ensure safe vehicle operation on actual roads. Using test vehicles and actual vehicles, we verify the operation and evaluate each module.

Field Operational Test

Passenger car: Public road test


Truck: Public road test
