

Building a business that contributes to the national interest in solving social issues

T2 is committed to working with the logistics industry and our partners, including shareholders, to solve social issues such as the 2024 problem and other logistics crises. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take on the challenge of solving social issues and creating businesses that contribute to the national interest.

ATTRACTSWhy Work at T2


We can deliver products and services to the world

T2 aims to realize social implementation of the services we provide, and we focus on research and development through "selection and concentration. In addition, T2 aims to provide trunk line transportation services using autonomous trucks without limiting its research and development. Therefore, the technology and business model created by T2 will be released to the world.


Co-creation with diverse members and partners

Trunk line transportation service by automated trucks is a business that requires a very wide range of functions and expertise. Therefore, our partners, including our shareholders, are diverse, and we will collaborate with them to create the business. We promise you that you will have an experience and encounter that you have never had before.


Organization and environment with high EQ (human ability)

As stated in the "Organization and Employees" section, our goal is to be an organization that is empathetic to society and our partners. We place great importance not only on professionalism and skills, but also on the future career development of each employee, and provide a place where they can aim to grow as human beings.